Monday, April 29, 2013

Easter Re-cap


Any Walley function is c-r-a-z-y.

Especially organized holidays.

Everyone is hauling in a crockpot......and no one ever wants to write down an actual menu or appoint people to bring certain we end up with a wide variety. The majority of my family live 1 minute from each other.....and for some reason, we STILL can't eat lunch on time. Walley mystery. 

Prepare yourself for picture overload.

Sweet Baylor Boy.

 "Baylor, clap your chubby hands if you love Auntie Meg!"

Attempt #546 of a group cousin family photo.
**Editor's note: we were missing a cousin that lives 1 minute away that was running late.**

Sweet Baylor Boy and Brudder. Baylor is the first boy in our family in YEARS! And he wants to be a big boy soooo bad! He wants all of the big boys to hold him and talk to him. He voluntary made Brudder and Uncle H hold him and love on him.  #theymeltedlikebutta'

Mom, the over achiever, made these cute little cupcakes........

And I fed our little cupcake, Baylor Boy, one......before his lunch! Because I'm his favorite Auntie!

Family photo attempt # 476

So....the Easter bunny hooped on over to Mom and Dad's house for my Aunt's grandkids to have in their Easter basket. (are you still with me here??)........Super sweet little bunnies......but super scared of their life due to over zealous little twin girls and wienie dogs. I'm sad to report the bunny was dead by Wednesday.......not due to the twin girls or wienie dogs though. 

My little buddies were over stimulated by all of the candy....etc. The best place for them to be was outside. And this is what they did the whole time......they were creepers lookin' in the windows. 

Me with the sweetest grandparents eva'! Just look at sweet pop's suspenders!!! #sweetestmanIknow!!

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